Gerry Anderson Encyclopedia
Gerry Anderson Encyclopedia

A Case for the Bishop is the first episode of the British television series The Secret Service.

It's a case for the Bishop when a foreign ambassador plans to leave the country with a stolen computer prototype. The Bishop contacts Father Stanley Unwin, who minimizes Matthew and stows him away in the Ambassador's aircraft. After the plane takes off, Matthew switches off the engines. The plane is forced to land in a deserted airfield, where the Ambassador is confronted by Father Unwin, who soon recovers both the stolen computer prototype and Matthew.

Regular Cast[]

Guest Cast[]

Cameo Roles[]

Equipment Used[]



  • Healy Automation is named after voice artist David Healy, while Saunders, head of British Intelligence, is named after Desmond Saunders, a member of the production crew.
  • This is the first episode of British Supermarionation television series The Secret Service. However, as always, colour television on ITV did not officially launch until Saturday 15 November 1969, which meant the episode "The Deadly Whisper" was the first Gerry Anderson episode to be transmitted in colour.


  • As written in the script, the mini-computer is referred to as the KX20, but the computer itself is actually labelled XK20.