Andre Verdain is a character from the Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons episode Model Spy. Although outwardly he appears to be a fashion entrepreneur, in reality this is a cover for his work as the head of the Paris sector for the European Area Intelligence Service. He operates from his fashion house in Monte Carlo, the House of Verdain, and he is responsible for a large part of the European spy network. He keeps his fashion models close at hand regardless of his position. The Mysterons target Verdain with the aim of crippling the entire network through his demise.
He was voiced by Jeremy Wilkin.
- The puppet for Andre Verdain was later used for Raynor in Expo 2068.
- In Joe 90 the puppet was used for Red Leader in The Most Special Agent, Mario Coletti in Hi-Jacked, Major Kloss in International Concerto, Clarles Drayton in Most Special Astronaut Kurson in Project 90, Captain Pat Moran in Breakout and Jack Cope in Trial At Sea.
- In The Secret Service it was used for Engineer Hartley in A Question Of Miracles, Dr. Hawthorn in Hole In One and Pete Mackintosh in The Cure.