The Dead Body was a worker at Frost Line's Red Deer base, from the Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons episode Avalanche. He was killed when Eddie removed the oxygen from the air.
Being a dead body, he had no spoken lines.
- The puppet used to portray the dead body was previously a Spectrum Guard in The Mysterons and the 1st London Police Officer in Big Ben Strikes Again and later appears as a Spectrum Guard again in Codename Europa
Spectrum Guard
(The Mysterons)
(The Mysterons)
1st London Police Officer
(Big Ben Strikes Again)
(Big Ben Strikes Again)
Spectrum Guard
(Codename Europa)
(Codename Europa)
- In Joe 90 it appears as an engineer in The Professional.
(The Professional)
(The Professional)
- In The Secret Service it was rewigged with lighter brown hair and no moustache and appears as the Tracking Station Operator in Hole In One, Dave Marden in The Cure and the Air Traffic Controller in May-Day, May-Day!
Tracking Station Operator
(Hole In One)
(Hole In One)
Dave Marden
(The Cure)
(The Cure)
Air Traffic Controller
(May-Day, May-Day!)
(May-Day, May-Day!)