Doctor Baxter is a character from the Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons episode Treble Cross.
He was voiced by Martin King.
- The puppet for Doctor Baxter previously appeared as General Ward in Avalanche, General Tiempo in Operation Time, the Boat Captain in Renegade Rocket, the Shuttle Pilot in Lunarville 7 and Shroeder in Crater 101, it later appears as the SKR4 Captain in Inferno and the Piano Player in The Inquisition.
- In Joe 90 it appears as Igor Sladek in International Concerto and Eddie in Breakout.
- In The Secret Service it appears as Controller Shaw in A Question Of Miracles, Burton's Man Servant in To Catch A Spy, Reed in Last Train to Bufflers Halt and Sakov in The Cure.
[[Category:Treble Cross]