Doctor Ernst Conrad is a character from the Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons episode Flight 104.
He was voiced by David Healy.
- This is the same puppet that was used as Spectrum officer Captain Brown. It was also used in the television series as Major Reeves, a barman, Charlie Hansen, Neilson and Professor Gabriel A. Carney.
Captain Brown
(The Mysterons)
(The Mysterons)
Major Reeves
(Renegade Rocket)
(Renegade Rocket)
(Special Assignment)
(Special Assignment)
Charlie Hansen
(Fire at Rig 15)
(Fire at Rig 15)
(Noose of Ice)
(Noose of Ice)
Professor Gabriel Carney
(Codename Europa)
(Codename Europa)
- It appears in Joe 90 as Doctor Blakemore, Harry Sloane and a foreign officer.
- It appears in The Secret Service as a Foreign Frogman and George Grey, it was later rewigged with grey hair and a moustache and was used as General Brompton and Professor Soames.
Foreign Frogman
(A Question of Miracles)
(A Question of Miracles)
George Grey
(To Catch A Spy)
(To Catch A Spy)
General Brompton
(Hole In One)
(Hole In One)
Professor Soames
(The Deadly Whisper)
(The Deadly Whisper)