Dr. Theodore Magnus was a character from the Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons episode Operation Time.
He was a Doctor working in London, and possessor of a highly sophisticated device called the Cerebral Pulsator, a device that improves the safety of brain surgery. After operating on Morgan, Magnus was pursued by Captain Black, who shot his tyre with a gun, running him off the road and down a cliff, killing him. Magnus was reconstructed and assigned to carry out the Mysteron threat of killing time.
The doppelgänger was discovered after carelessly revealing he was impervious to X-rays and was finally destroyed after Captain Blue pushed him into a high voltage electrical generator and was the first Mysteron agent to die in this fashion.
With the information, inadvertently given to them by Magnus, Spectrum discovered new tactics on battling the Mysterons and developed two pieces of equipment to use against them: a Mysteron Detector, a device that takes pictures to distinguish an Earth person from a Mysteron and a Mysteron Gun, a weapon that shoots a barrage of high voltage electricity.
He was voiced by Martin King.
- The puppet for Dr. Magnus was also used for General Peterson in Spectrum Strikes Back, the Nuclear City Security Chief in Special Assignment, the Casino commissionaire in Model Spy and the Captain in Expo 2068.